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名称            ウルトラフローラ  (集中治療)

分類             プロバイオティクス




1 1

朝、(朝食の 2 時間前まで)

注文コード: UFIC60


機能:       腸内細菌叢の再構築、マイクロバイオームの構成の改善、病原菌の増殖抑制


a.    食物の分解

b.    病気の原因となる悪玉菌の撃退

c.     栄養素の吸収促進

用量:       1 1 錠、朝食前の空腹時に服用

期間:       永久

注意:       善玉菌は健康全般に不可欠です。



Name                         What is it                   Purpose

Ultra flora                  Probiotic                  Gut

 (Intensive care)     


60 tablets

1 tablet per day

In the morning,

(up to 2 hrs before breakfast)

Order Code: UFIC60


Function        Rebuild native gut flora, improve microbiome composition, suppress pathogen                                          growth,


a.             break down food,

b.            fight off bad organisms that cause disease

c.             assist in absorbing nutrients

Dosage         1 tablet per day, before breakfast on an empty stomach.

Period           Permanent


Note:            Good bacteria are essential for overall health.

The gut is the primary cause of inflammation, creating many non-optimum conditions,

such as IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome), diarrhoea, constipation and eczema and in some cases respiratory problems (including the common cold and sinus).





PROBIOTIC - Ultra Flora GI





    たとえば、アルファリポ酸 (ALA) カプセル (通常、1 缶あたり 60 カプセル) の同じ数は、ほとんどのブランドで同じです。

    ただし、メタジェニックスのカプセルの濃度は、日本のブランドの約 5 倍です。

    ただし、1 缶のコストはほぼ同じです。

    Cell Wellbeing のヘアスキャン技術を使用すると、コンサルタントが必要な量を正確に処方できるため、完全に安全に摂取できます。


    Paragon Health Centre は、メタジェニックスの登録サプライヤーです。

    すべてのコンサルタントは、JSADA サプリメント アドバイザーの資格を持ち、主任コンサルタントの Yuriko Zimmatore は、基礎西洋医学と伝統中国医学 (鍼灸) の学位を取得しています。

    Metagenics サプリメントを購入する場合、顧客の最初の注文は Paragon Health Centre によって処理されます。





     Metagenics products are concentrated supplements.

    In comparison to Japanese vitamins and minerals they routinely contain higher dosages than those used in Japan.

    This relates directly to value for money.

     As an example, the same number of Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) capsules (usually 60 capsules per tub) is the same for most brands.

    However, the concentration of the Metagenic capsule is approximately five times that of Japanese brands.

    The cost of one tub however, is approximately the same.


    Using Cell Wellbeing hair scan technology the exact amount required can be prescribed by the consultant resulting in completely safe consumption.


    Consequently, Metagenics products are supplied by practitioners only, meaning authorization from an accredited supplier is required to obtain the products.


    Paragon Health Centre is a registered supplier of Metagenics.

    All consultants are qualified JSADA supplement advisers and the head consultant - Yuriko Zimmatore - has diplomas in Basic Western Medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine (acupuncture).


    To purchase Metagenics supplements, the customer’s first order will be transacted by Paragon Health Centre.


    A dedicated account number will then be allocated, which the customer can use to place subsequent orders direct from the factory.


    This cuts out all middle men and gives the customer maximum financial benefit as well as complete confidence.


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