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EQ – MQ テスト
EQ-MQ Test

    EQ – MQ テスト
    EQ-MQ Test

    EQ – MQ


    IQ だけでなく、EQ と MQ があります。これらは感情指数と道徳指数の略です。


    EQ-MQ 対 IQ:

    優れた業績を挙げる人 (IQ が高い人) は、何があろうとトップに上り詰めようとする強迫観念から、冷酷だとみなされることがよくあります。これは経済的な成功や財産の増加を意味する場合もありますが、誤解、同僚からの恨み、失敗した人間関係に囲まれることがよくあります。

    一方、他人のニーズに敏感で思いやりのある人(EQ が高い)は、通常、好かれ、幸せで満足した人生を送る可能性が高くなります















    さらに、定期的に環境に放出される Covid ウイルスは、自然免疫システムを攻撃し、自然免疫システムがさらに消耗し、病気や疾患に対する抵抗力が低下しやすくなります。

    精神的ストレスの主な原因の 1 つは経済的なものです。
    新型車や最新の IT 機器 (iPhone など) などのいわゆる「贅沢品」の需要、家族旅行の費用、そして増え続ける税金は、平均生活賃金に大きな負担をかけています。

    生活費の上昇、住宅ローンの返済、結婚して家族を養うプレッシャー (その後の育児や教育の費用を含む) により、若いカップルの多くが、主に経済的負担が重くのしかかるため、結婚という制度から完全に撤退しています。



    Paragon Arete EQ-MQ テストは、基本的な性格の尺度を提供し、日常生活のストレスを克服する方法についての洞察を与えるように設計されています。



    EQ – MQ


    Recent developments in the field of business psychology have proposed that understanding the emotions of oneself and others is the key to a satisfying life.


    As well as IQ, there are now EQ and MQ, which stand for Emotional Quotient and Moral Quotient.


    Although psychologists have only recently adopted this theory, it stems all the way back to the ancient Greeks, in particular Aristotle and the Doctrine of the Mean.


    EQ-MQ versus IQ:


    A person who is a great achiever (high IQ) is often viewed as ruthless because of his obsession to rise to the top no matter what. This may denote financial success or increased possessions but often leaves them surrounded by misunderstandings, resentment from co-workers and failed relationships.


    On the other hand, a person who is sensitive and considerate of the needs of others (high EQ) is usually well liked and is more likely to lead a happy and satisfied life


    In other words, intelligence alone is no guarantee of a successful life.


    It is necessary to have a moral compass (MQ) in life in order if success is measured by charisma and friendship, rather than money or possessions.

    The old adage, a ‘Paragon of Virtue’ means a standard of conduct which is a model of excellence.


    The word comes from the Greek parakone – a touchstone used for testing alloys of gold for their purity. A quote by the British clergyman and author Thomas Fuller sums this up very precisely:


                                     “Men have a touchstone whereby to try gold,

                                     but gold is the touchstone whereby to try men.”




    Many people suffer from stress in today’s high paced modern world whether it be physical or mental of both.


    Physical stress:


    Physical stress is most often caused by overwork, not enough sleep or relaxation time,

    leaving little time for social or family activities.


    The lack of a sustainable diet is another important factor in physical stress.

    Intense work schedules place a heavy burden on Japanese workers leaving them little time to go home and enjoy the benefits of eating healthy nutritious home cooked food.

    This constant demand for extended work hours and extra workload is obviously tiring in itself, combined with hurriedly eating snack foods or grabbing meals on the run from fast-food outlets means the necessary nutrition to keep up such a fast paced schedule is lacking.

    On top of this, Covid viruses being released into the environment on a regular basis, attack the natural immune system which then becomes depleted even further, predisposing the body to lowered resistance against sickness or disease.



    Mental  stress:

    One of the primary causes of mental stress is financial.

    The demand for so called ‘luxury items’ like a more recent model car, the latest IT gadgets (I-phone etc) the cost of family holidays and ever-increasing taxation place a great the burden on the average living wage.


    Rising costs of living, mortgage repayments, the pressure to get married and raise a family (including the subsequent costs of childcare and education) have caused many young couples to withdraw from the institution of marriage altogether mainly because of the financial burden placed upon them. 

    Naturally under these circumstances, feelings of depression and even suicide can often raise their ugly heads.


    Is there a practical way to reduce stress?


    The Paragon Arete EQ–MQ test is designed to provide a yardstick of basic character and give an insight on how to overcome the stresses of everyday life.


    It re-aligns the basic purpose of life and renews the dynamic energy needed to take life head on.


    The goal of this website s to assist the Japanese government to make life more tenable foe the average working person.

    The wisdom of Aristotle can be employed in the 21st century to the point where the downward trend in marriage and declining birthrate can be reversed and people can achieve a greater sense of happiness and fulfilment in everyday life.


    Paragon Health Centre

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