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                                   S Drive


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S-Drive は、毛包にあるエピジェネティック データをデジタル化するために設計された周辺

コンピュータ デバイスです。

毛包情報は S Drive プログラムによって暗号化され、その後インターネット接続を介して




CE (EU) ROHS 指令 2011/65 (EU)

FCC (米国) ETL / UL (米国およびカナダ)

これらの認証は、実験装置に使用される認証と同等です (周波数を放出しません)。

S-Drive は、FDA ガイダンス 1300013 (UCM429674) にも完全に準拠しています。


S-Drive は、健康専門家、スポーツ専門家、フィットネスおよび美容センター、栄養専門家、


67 か国で運営されています。

ウェルネス レポート:

S-Drive は AI プロセッサに接続されており、一連の対数を通じてデータをデコード、翻訳、

精査し、個別のサーバーを介して安全に返されるパーソナライズされたデータ パックを


情報は、頭蓋骨の後頭部 (後部) から採取した 4 つの毛球 / 毛包を使用して推測されます。




クライアントの健康と幸福の最適な状態を達成するために設計された、90 日間の最適



















発育中の胎児は、妊娠 22 週目までにすべての毛包が形成されます。この時点で、

体全体に少なくとも 500 万個の毛包があり、そのうち 100 万個が頭部にあります。




毛には 2 つの構造があります。皮膚内の毛包と、そこから伸びる毛幹です。

下の図に示すように、毛包の基部は真皮乳頭で、毛包には毛細血管 (細い血管) があり、




毛球の細胞は 23 ~ 72 時間ごとに分裂し、体内の他のどの細胞よりも速く分裂します。

毛包は 2 つの鞘に囲まれています。内鞘と外鞘は、成長する毛幹を保護して形作ります。

内鞘は毛幹に沿って伸び、皮脂腺 (油) の開口部の下で終わります。









髪の構造は 3 つの層に分かれています。内側の層は髄質と呼ばれ、存在しない場合もあります。


ほとんどのヘア コンディショナー製品はキューティクルに作用します。







毛が表面に出て毛幹を超えるまでには最大 80 日かかります。

毛包は真皮と接触しており、メラノサイト、ケラチノサイト(構造タンパク質 - ケラチン)、

線維芽細胞などの生きた細胞があります。これらの細胞はすべて核に DNA を含んでいます。



















DNA および質量スペクトル分析 (分光法) は、他の要素を判断するために使用できます。

S-Drive テクノロジーは、毛髪と毛球の共鳴情報とリモート コンピューター計算を組み合わせて、身体の基礎システムが長年経験してきた課題を明らかにします。


これは、4 本の毛髪と毛球毛包バイオマーカーに含まれる情報をデジタル化することで実現します。これらのバイオマーカーは、時間の経過とともにエピジェネティック情報と恒常性情報を蓄積します。



コンピューター化された情報医療が可能になったのは、スキャナー、コンピューターベースの評価プログラミング、AI テクノロジーを使用して分析できる恒常性とエピジェネティック環境情報に対する理解が深まったことが一因です。




すべての人間は、基本的なヒューマノイド構築計画の 99.9% である同じ DNA 構造を共有しているにもかかわらず、遺伝的にユニークです。

しかし、0.1% の違いこそが、人間一人ひとりに多様な身体的特徴と多様な生命体を与えているのです。

この独自性は環境要因との遭遇を通じて表現され活性化され、遺伝子コードと DNA 現象に見られます。


エピジェネティクス マッピングは、遺伝子発現に影響を与える可能性のあるすべての影響、






S-Drive によって収集されたデジタル化された情報に基づいて、バイオ情報マップが生成され、





(特に肝臓毒性) が含まれます。





                       アミノ酸の要求量                       ビタミンおよびミネラルのストレス

                      オメガ脂肪酸の要求量               特定の食品による過敏症

                      電磁周波数 (EMF)                        環境からの有毒負荷


感情が安定しているときは、    身体は「安らぎ」、恒常性は正常です。精神状態が乱れると、

身体に影響を与える否定的な感情 (不調) が生じます。



することで、有益な (または有害な) 効果を生み出すことができます。



ポジティブ - 効くと思うなら、効きます。

否定的 - 効かないと思うなら、効かない可能性が高いです (ノセボ効果と呼ばれます)。


の神経ペプチド (ニューロン間の通信のためのシグナル伝達分子) の合成と特定しました。



このモデリングでは、表現型 (遺伝子型と環境の相互作用) は変化しますが、ヒストンのメチル化により遺伝子型は同じままです (メチル化の完全な説明については、別のドキュメントを参照してください)。

DNA メチル化は、メチル基 (多くの有機化合物に含まれるラジカル) と一部の食物源に含まれるエピジェネティック因子が DNA にタグを付け、遺伝子を活性化または抑制するときに発生します。






非コード化 DNA は一般に「ジャンク DNA」と呼ばれ、その量は種によって異なります。人間の場合、非コード化 DNA は最大 98% です。








毛髪中の安定同位体 - 食事性タンパク質源、社会経済的地位、健康状態。


(Doerfler Walter および Petra Böhm Springer 編、145-175 ページ。

ISBN: 978-3-319-27186-6。2016 年)。

非コード DNA:

(Carey N (2015) Junk DNA: A Journey Through the Dark Matter of the Genome. Icon Books Ltd.        第 3 章。ISBN: 978-184831-826-7)




(Yasuyuki Amoh、Lingna Li、Kensei Katsuoka、Robert M Hoffman

毛包多能性幹 (hfPS) 細胞の胚発生。Med Mol Morphol: 2010、43(2);123-7)

(M. I. Szynkowska、A. Pawlaczyk、E. Wojciechowska、S. Sypniewski、T. Paryjczak (2009)。



                                                  The S-Drive

The S-Drive is a peripheral computer device, designed to digitize the epigenetic data found in the hair bulb follicle.

Hair follicle information is encrypted by the S Drive program, before being securely sent through an internet connection, to an encrypted server located in Hamburg, Germany.

The technology utilizes the principles of homeostasis and epigenetics in making a wide range of underlying observations which have been safety assessed and certified to the following electrical standards:

CE   (EU)       ROHS Directive 2011/65 (EU)

FCC (USA)     ETL / UL (USA and Canada)


These certifications are equal to those used for laboratory equipment (do not emit any frequencies).

The S-Drive is also fully compliant with FDA guidance 1300013 (UCM429674).

It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease.

The S Drive is operated in 67 countries by wellbeing practitioners, sports professionals, fitness and beauty centres, nutritional professionals, trichology centres, dietary advisors, weight loss centres, spa resorts and preventative organisations.

Wellness report

The S-Drive is connected to an Ai processor, which decodes, translates and scrutinizes the data through an array of logarithms and then generates a personalized data pack which is returned securely through a separate server.

The information is deduced by using four hair bulbs / follicles, plucked from the occipital (rear) area of the scull.

All of the indicators are listed in an easy-to-read comprehensible report which includes information on key nutritional indicators highlighting food & additive restrictions, plus additional pages on gut, immune and circulatory support as well as resistance and environmental influences.

It provides recommendations for a 90-day optimized food and diet plan designed to achieve an optimum state of wellness and wellbeing for the client.

Epigenetic influences:

The technology was developed in order to optimize the wellbeing of the human body, as many of us are living in a sub-optimal state.

Intrinsically, poor functional genomic expressions are reflections of the life styles and environmental factors that we are exposed to and more often than not this condition is well below our genetic and chronological potential.

The environment, our nutritional food intake and mental and emotional states play a major role in gene expression, which consequently affect our wellbeing.


                                                                       HAIR ANATOMY

All living organisms, from plants to puppies to people, must regulate their internal environment to process energy and ultimately survive.

Hair shafts and their bulbs/follicles store former metabolic and nutritional data, which reveals sensory bio-information.

Hair can be found on all of the major visible surfaces of the body. It is also the only body structure that is completely renewable without scarring.

The ectoderm is the extreme outer layer of the neural tube, which forms at the end of the 4th week of gestation. This develops the hair as well as the rest of integumentary system (natural outer covering) which comprises the skin, the nails, the teeth along with the nervous system comprising the brain, the spinal cord and nerves.

A developing foetus has all of its hair follicles created by the 22nd week of pregnancy. At this time, there are at least 5 million follicles over the body, one million of these are on the head.

This will be the largest number of follicles we will ever have, as follicles cannot be added later in life. When we grow older, the size of the body increases and the density of hair follicles on the skin decreases.

Hair shaft and bulb:

Hair has two separate structures - the follicle within the skin and the shaft we see which grows from it. As shown in the figure below, the base of the follicle is the dermal papilla, which contains capillaries (tiny blood vessels) that feed the structure.

The living part of the hair is the follicle and is the only part fed directly by the capillaries.

The cells in the bulb divide every 23 to 72 hours, faster than any other cells in the body.

The follicle is surrounded by two sheaths - an inner and outer sheath which protect and mould the growing hair shaft.

The inner sheath follows the hair shaft and ends below the opening of a sebaceous (oil) gland,

and sometimes an apocrine (scent) gland.

The outer sheath continues all the way up to the gland. A muscle called the erector pili muscle attaches below the gland to a fibrous layer around the outer sheath.

When this muscle contracts, it causes the hair to stand up (goose bumps).

The sebaceous gland produces sebum as a natural conditioner. More sebum is produced after puberty.

The hair shaft is composed of hard protein called keratin, (without actual living cells).

The production of this tissue decreases in men, but not as much in women.

The hair’s structure is divided into three layers: the inner layer is called medulla and may not be present.

The next layer is the cortex (makes up the majority of the hair shaft) and the outer layer is the

cuticle which is formed by tightly packed scales in an overlapping structure, similar to the shape of roof shingles (rectangular tiles).


Most hair conditioning products attempt to affect the cuticle.

There is a pigment called melanin, that is distributed throughout the cortex and medulla giving the hair its characteristic colour. The more melanin, the darker the hair’s colour appears.

The hair is a non-living integumentary (natural outer covering) structure. It has an ectodermal origin the same as the skin, the connective tissue and the nervous tissue, that includes the brain, spine cranial and spinal nerves.

The hair and bulbs have a sensory structure that is connected to the erector pili muscle, the smallest muscles in the body, which contraction allows the hair to rise.

(See links).

The hair takes up to 80 days to surface and go beyond the hair shaft.

The hair follicle is in contact with the dermis and it has living cells such as melanocytes, keratinocytes (structural protein - keratin) and fibroblasts. All these cells contain DNA in their nucleus.
(See links)

The hair stores information emanating from the micro and macro environment, and also can store toxins (such as heavy metals), that if set free could harm the body.

The hair is regarded as a structure providing protection, acting as a waste bin, storing substances such as byproducts of cellular metabolism that could potentially harm the body, as well as protecting us from the harmful effect of chemicals that are applied to the organism by means of cosmetics.

Due to this, the hair can be used to trace metabolic deficiencies, including a possible storage of heavy metals, metabolic toxicity and any other influences which may provide a picture of individual metabolic history.

These environmental and nutritional factors can directly impact our performance and wellbeing

and most of us require ‘empowering nutritional food’ to claim back control over our bodies and daily performance.

                                                          HAIR SHAFT ANALYSIS

Traditionally, hair shaft analysis has been utilized in forensics and environmental toxicology,

as a tool to detect heavy metal toxicity and to trace certain contaminants that build over time.

These are often no longer present in body fluids such as blood and urine.

The forensic technique of hair analysis has been conducted by assessing a grid of different characteristics of hair and then using a comparative analysis between a known and unknown hair sample in order to establish a link.

For example, it compares hair found at the scene of a crime with samples taken from the suspect.

Until recently, electron microscopes were used for forensic hair analysis, but now light field microscopy is more often used to determine colour and the difference between animal and human hair. DNA and mass spectrum analyses (spectroscopy) can be used to determine other elements.

The S-Drive technology relies on hair & bulb resonance information, combined with remote computer calculations, in order to reveal challenges that the underlying systems of the body have been experiencing over time.

The technology provides a personalized, real-time overview of the underlying metabolic conditions, which determine wellness and wellbeing.

This is achieved by digitizing the information found in four strands of hair and hair bulb follicle biomarkers as they accumulate epigenetic and homeostasis information over time.

This reflects a variety of underlying metabolic processes, often before the expression of a symptom.

(See links)


Computerized informational medicine has become possible due, in part, to the increasing understanding of homeostasis and epigenetic environmental information, which can be analysed using scanners, computer-based evaluation programming and Ai technology.


Epigenetics studies the changes in organisms caused by modification of the gene expression, rather than the alteration of the genetic code itself.

Homeostasis refers to the ability to maintain the body in a relatively stable internal state despite changes due to diet and environmental influences.


                                                                    GENE EXPRESSION


Every human being is genetically unique, despite the fact that we share the same DNA structure - 99.9% of the basic humanoid construction plan.

Yet, the difference of the 0.1% is what gives each individual human such a variety of physical features and diversity of life forms.

This uniqueness is expressed and activated through encounters with environmental factors and is found in our genetic coding and DNA phenomena.

Gene expressions are influenced by environmental influences, nutritional input, toxins, emotions and life circumstances.

Epigenetics mapping reflects all of the influences that can impact gene expression, meaning the sum of all influences after the genetical conception and is thus gaining importance and scientific attention.

This is of significant value, as the indicators from the modern environment regulates gene expression at a much higher rate than the environment influenced by our forebears.

Obviously, genes do not generally control biology; it is their combination of cell signalling that does this. Thus, these signals can be looked at to depict the epigenetic and homeostasis state of an individual at a given time.

Based on the digitized information gathered by the S-Drive a bio-informational map is generated, from which a protocol can be designed for each individual client.

This information is used to develop protocols to improve the biochemical and biophysical parameters of the client’s state of wellness.

This includes advice on nutrition and life style changes and any necessary reduction of toxicity (particularly liver toxicity).

The report also provides suggestions on decreasing the heavy metal load and controlling of electromagnetic sensitivities.

Hair bulbs retain a record of these changes which enables the identification of a wide range of historic cellular and energetic stressors, such as:

                               amino acid demands                    vitamins and mineral stresses

            omega fatty acids requirements                     sensitivities due to certain foods

         electromagnetic frequency (EMF)                     toxic loads from the environment

When emotion is stable the body is at ‘ease’ and homeostasis is normal, when a disturbed state of mind occurs this creates negative emotion which affects the body (dis-ease).

The Placebo Effect:

A placebo can produce a beneficial (or adverse) effect by administering a pill or medicine prescribed for a psychological effect, rather than a physiological remedy.

The result is not due to any property of the placebo itself which contains no active ingredients, but is only related to the suggestion.

Positive   - if you think it will work, it will.

Negative - if you think it won’t work it probably won’t, (called the nocebo effect).

Medical experts have identified this as the synthesis of neuropeptides (a signalling molecule for communication between neurons) from the enteric (intestinal) nervous system being influenced by messages sent from the brain.


Homeostasis and epigenetic observations include the study of gene expression under the influence of informational signals emanating from the micro and the macro environment.

In this modelling, the phenotype (interaction of the genotype with the environment) changes, but the genotype remains the same, due to methylations of the histones (for a full explanation of methylation - see separate document).

DNA methylation is what occurs when methyl groups (radicals that occur in many organic compounds) and epigenetic factors found in some dietary sources, tag DNA and activate or repress genes.

Homo-dynamic and epigenetic mechanisms are affected by several factors and processes including utero development (womb,) childhood, environmental chemicals, drugs and pharmaceuticals, ageing and diet.


Genes read environmental factors via messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA), resulting in the synthesis of proteins which are directly related to the epigenome. (See links)

The proteins responsible for epigenetics are histones and chromatin (proteins) from which chromosomes and autosomes are formed.

The non-coded DNA is what is commonly referred to as “Junk DNA”, and its amount varies from specie to specie. In the human being there is up to 98% non-coding DNA. (See links)

Previously it was considered that humans were controlled by genetic inheritance (genotype). However, it has now become clear that homeostasis and epigenetic information can allow each human to take control and influence over their ‘epigenomic environment’, in order to improve the impact of physical, mental and emotional issues.

Diet, nutritional understanding and life style suggestions can impact the system to promote physiological efficiency and metabolic efficacy which bring about optimal gene expression.


  • EPIGENAIR Report:;

      Reciprocal interaction within the bio-field and cellular body.

  • The National Academy of Sciences :

  • Stable isotopes in hair - dietary protein sources, socioeconomic status and wellbeing. 


  • mRNA

      (Doerfler Walter and Petra Böhm Springer eds. 145-175. ISBN: 978-3-319-27186-6. 2016).

  • Non-coding DNA

      (Carey N (2015) Junk DNA: A Journey Through the Dark Matter of the Genome. Icon Books Ltd.        Chapter 3. ISBN: 978-184831-826-7)

  • Hair follicle

(Yasuyuki Amoh, Lingna Li, Kensei Katsuoka, Robert M Hoffman Embryonic development of hair follicle pluripotent stem (hfPS) cells. Med Mol Morphol: 2010, 43(2);123-7)

(M. I. Szynkowska, A. Pawlaczyk, E. Wojciechowska, S. Sypniewski, T. Paryjczak (2009).


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