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ヘアスキャン   HAIR SCAN




Four strands of hair can change your life!


















(Gk: 遺伝子 – 生まれつき > ゲノム – 生物の遺伝物質)







過去 10 年間、DNA 研究は進歩を続けており、エピジェネティクスの科学は細胞構造の研究における


「私たちの遺伝子を構成する DNA は、私たちを私たちたらしめるハードドライブのようなものです。

エピジェネティクスとは、DNA を実際に変更することなく、遺伝子の働きに影響を与える化学プロセスを指します。」
参照: BioCeuticals

私たちの DNA は先祖から受け継いだものをモデルにしていますが、DNA の上に外部要因があり、



(ギリシャ語: エピ – 上に、遺伝子 – 細胞または生物の性質 > 生まれる)


加工食品や栄養価の低い食品、毒素や化学物質、電磁放射線 (携帯電話 / コンピューター画面 / 電力線など)、煙、





    a.        病原体                -      ウイルス、細菌

    b.       食生活                 -      刺激に対する代謝反応

    c.       毒素                     -      重金属

    d.       化学物質             -      家庭用品および工業製品

    e.       EMF                     -      電子レンジ(テレビ、コンピューターなど)


(ギリシャ語: pathos – 病気、gen > genes、生み出す、生まれる)

主な原因は細菌ですが、ウイルス、真菌、寄生虫 (虫など) も存在します。


(ギリシャ語: diaita – 生き方)

ダイエットにはさまざまな選択肢がありますが、主な 5 つのカテゴリを以下に示します。

    1. グルテンフリー

    2. 低炭水化物

    3. 地中海

    4. パレオ

    5. ビーガン




遺伝学的観点から見ると、毒素とは、生体の代謝の結果として生成される毒物 (一般にバイオ毒素と呼ばれます) です。
(ギリシャ語: toxa – 弓 > 矢じりに使う毒)



環境毒素 (通常「重金属」と呼ばれます) も有毒であり、3 つの一般的なカテゴリに分類できます。


    a. 硬い金属 - チタン、クロム、ウラン

    b. 延性のある金属 - 鉄、ニッケル、銅、銀、金

    c. 柔らかい金属 - 亜鉛、カドミウム、水銀。






(アラビア語: al kimea > chemical  - 金属を変換する技術)


    歯磨き粉                                      消臭剤

    (フッ化物)                                     (アルミニウム)

    香水                                              磨き剤

     (メチルアルコール)                   (トルエン)

    シャンプー/染料                         石鹸

    (塩化アンモニウム)                   (安息香酸ナトリウム)

    タバコ                                          医薬品

    (ニコチン)                                    (ヒ素)

    消毒剤                                          洗濯用洗剤

    (ホルムアルデヒド)                   (塩素系漂白剤)

電磁場 (EMF):

携帯電話、電力線、コンピューター画面、テレビやインターネット、蛍光灯、電子レンジはすべて EMF の発生源です。

EMF が身体状態にどの程度影響するかはまだ研究中ですが、特にコンピューター画面や携帯電話への長時間の曝露は細胞レベルで影響を及ぼすことがよく知られています。


毛髪は子宮内で形成され、22 週までに胎児には 500 万個以上の毛包があり、そのそれぞれに DNA レコードが


コア DNA は決して変化しませんが、遺伝子が適切に機能するためには、さまざまな身体機能を制御する

生化学的プロセス (メチル化) が継続的に行われ、全体的な健康と幸福に不可欠です。





これは医療分野 (MRI、CT スキャンなど) でも顕著です。


S ドライブ (別の記事を参照) と呼ばれる機械が開発され、どのメチル機能が正しく機能しているか、


これにより、メチル化の不均衡を修正し、恒常性 (生理的安定性) を回復する手段が提供されます。

4 本の毛髪 (毛包を含む) をスキャナーに置くと、エピジェネティックな影響がスキャンされ、

インターネット経由でドイツのマスター コンピューターにデジタル転送されます。

次に、コンピューター アルゴリズムを使用して個人の遺伝子設計図が計算されます。



情報は 35 ページのカスタム プリントアウトで提示され、エピジェネティックな影響が健康と健康に



    a. 身体系           (心臓血管、免疫、消化、ホルモン、筋骨格、腸の状態)

    b. 食事摂取量    (水分補給を含む)

    c. ビタミンとミネラル

    d. 抗酸化物質

    e. 環境からの電磁干渉の影響

    f. 脂肪酸とアミノ酸の状態    

    g. 化学物質と毒素の影響

    h.ストレス – 身体的および精神的 (感情的)

    i. 運動と睡眠パターン)

90 日プラン:

レポートには、免疫システムを最適な状態に安定させるための 90 日プランも含まれており、


    a. 病原体の根絶

    b. デトックス - 毒素や化学物質の影響の排除

    c. EMF の影響の分離と除去

    d. バランスの取れた食事

    e. ビタミンとミネラルの増強プログラム

Paragon Health Centre の資格のあるコンサルタントがこのレポートを詳細に検討し、



                                                                   HAIR SCANNING


How are epigenetics and hair scanning related?

There are several articles on this website that explain epigenetics in greater detail.

For those with limited time, a brief explanation is given here.



We’ve all heard of DNA, the acid in living cells that carries the genetic code.

The first point concerning epigenetics is the discovery that even with the same DNA, there can be variations in physical form, health and body growth.

For example, bees in a beehive all have the same genes but some are workers, some are soldiers and one is even a queen.

However, despite having the same basic genome they can evolve into different forms.

(Gk: genes – born > genome – the genetic material of an organism)

This applies to humans too!

Even in identical twins, one may have chronic hay fever, the other one never gets it.

How come?

(see the video on the epigentics page for a full explanation of this)

Theoretically, if the make-up of our genetic factors was only from what we inherited from our parents, then the bio-dynamics of identical twins would be exactly the same.

On the same basis there wouldn’t be any variation in bees either, they’d all be workers for example.

Over the last ten years DNA studies have continued to progress and the science of epigenetics is the latest breakthrough in the study of cellular structure.

                       “Our DNA, which makes up our genes, is like a hard drive that make us  who we are.  

                          Epigenetics refers to chemical processes that influence how our genes work,

                         without actually changing our DNA.” Ref: BioCeuticals

Although our DNA is modelled on what we have inherited from our ancestors, there are also external factors on top of the DNA that influence the chemical processes which dictate how our genes work.

This is how the name epigenetics is derived.

(Gk: epi – on top of, genes – nature of a cell or living thing > to be born)


External factors

Subject people to too much processed or low nutrient food, toxins and chemicals, electromagnetic radiation

(e.g. cell phones / computer screens / power lines etc) smoke, alcohol and so on, and their cells will be affected.

The first sign of this effect on cell structure is inflammation, which attacks the immune system, influences our nutritional and metabolic functions and is at the root of  many diseases.

The primary external factors are shown below:

a.       pathogens               -        viruses, bacteria

b.       diet                          -        metabolic reactions to stimuli

c.       toxins                       -        heavy metals

d.       chemicals                -        household and industrial items

e.       EMF                         -        microwaves, (TV, computer etc)



Pathogens are infectious micro-organisms that cause disease.

(Gk: pathos – disease, gen > genes, produce, be born)

The main culprit is bacteria, but there are also viruses, fungi and parasites (such as worms).                                           

(See article – How pathogens make us sick).



The correct diet for your body type is integral to your physical well-being as well as having a large influence on your lifestyle.

(Gk: diaita – a way of life)

There are many different diet options, five main categories are shown below:

1.       Gluten free

2.       Low carb

3.       Mediterranean

4.       Paleo

5.       Vegan

Your needs might change over time, which will require a change in diet, but it is important to identify which diet

you should be on at any given time.

(For descriptions of each of these, see the articles on diets)


From a genetic point of view, a toxin is any poison formed by a living organism as a result of its metabolism

(generally referred to as a bio-toxin).

(Gk: toxa – bow > the poison used for arrow tips)

In the world of nature, a black widow spider, scorpion, snake and blowfish all use their organisms to produce poisonous toxins, some of which can be lethal to humans.

Environmental toxins (usually referred to as ‘heavy metals’) are also poisonous, and can be split into three general categories, examples of which are shown below:

a.       hard metals              -        titanium, chromium and uranium

b.       ductile metals          -        iron, nickel, copper, silver and gold

c.       soft metals                -        zinc, cadmium and mercury.



‘Non-metals’ can also accumulate in the body, such as lead, arsenic, aluminium and chlorine all of which are poisonous if present in excess quantities.

These are present in industrial pollutants like pesticides and many routine household items also contain these chemicals.

(Arabic: al kimea  > chemical  - art of transforming metals)

Examples are:

toothpaste               (fluoride)                           deodorants (aluminium)

perfume                   (methyl alcohol)                polish (toluene)

shampoo/dyes        (ammonium chloride)       soaps (sodium benzoate)

cigarettes                (nicotine)                           medications (arsenic)                               

disinfectant             (formaldehyde)                 washing powder (chlorine bleach)   


Electro-magnetic Fields (EMF)

Mobile phones, power lines, computer screens, TV and internet, fluorescent lights, microwave ovens

are all sources of EMF.  

Exactly to what extent EMFs influence the physical condition is still being researched, but it is well known that

extended exposure, especially to computer screens or mobile phones produces effects at a cellular level.


Hair Analysis

Hair is formulated in the womb and by 22 weeks the foetus contains over 5 million follicles, each of which

contains a DNA record.

Although core DNA never changes, for genes to function properly a biochemical process (methylation) takes place continuously which controls a wide range of bodily functions and is essential to overall health and wellbeing.

Any of the external influences listed above can ‘add on’ to the cells affecting the methylation process,

and in some cases create adverse conditions or potential health problems.


Hair scanning

As can be seen in common items like the mobile phone, technology has advanced dramatically in the field of electronic scanning, this is also notable in the medical field (MRI, CT scans etc).

This technology has been incorporated into scanning the resonance in the hair and bulb follicles.

A machine called the S Drive (see separate article) has been developed that makes it possible to identify which methyl functions are working correctly and which are not.

This provides a means to correct any methylation imbalance and restore homeostasis (physiological stability).

By placing four strands of hair (including the follicles) on the scanner, the epigenetic influences are scanned and digitally transferred by internet to a master computer in Germany.

An individual genetic blueprint is then calculated using computer algorithms which contains data on and any needed recommended remedies to get the body into optimum condition.

Cell Wellbeing report:

The information is presented in a 35-page tailor-made print-out, which contains an explanation of how any epigenetic influences are affecting your health and wellbeing.

This includes:

a.       bodily systems (cardio-vascular, immune, digestive, hormone, musculoskeletal and gut condition)

b.       dietary intake (including hydration)

c.       vitamins and minerals

d.       antioxidants

e.       the effects of electro-magnetic interference from the environment

f.        status of fatty and amino acids

g.       chemical and toxin influence

h.       stress – physical and mental (emotional)

i.        exercise and sleep patterns

90 Day Plan

The report also contains a 90 day plan to stabilize the immune system at an optimum condition which includes advice on  :

a.       pathogen eradication

b.       detox - elimination of the effect of any toxins and chemicals

c.       isolation and removal of EMF influences

d.       a balanced diet

e.       a vitamin and mineral booster program

A qualified consultant from Paragon Health Centre goes over this report in detail and explains

exactly how to administer the plan.

The end in mind is optimizing general health and well-being.


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