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1. フリーラジカル:



これが起こると、フリーラジカルが細胞内に蓄積し、DNA、脂質 (脂肪)、タンパク質などの他の分子に損傷を与え、



a. 酸が蓄積すると、フリーラジカルが増加します。

b. 高タンパク質食品 (赤身の肉、魚、鶏肉、白砂糖や小麦粉などの加工食品) は酸を生成します。

c. カルシウム、マグネシウム、カリウム、ナトリウム (電解質) は、酸を中和するために骨や臓器から摂取されます。

= ミネラル欠乏。これを極端にすると、変性疾患につながる可能性があります。

2. ライフスタイルの選択。






3. pH:

pH とは、水素の潜在性を意味します。これは 0 から 14 のスケールで測定されます。

7 未満は酸性が強く、7 を超えるとアルカリ性が強くなります。

純水(pH 7)は、酸とアルカリのバランス ポイントを表し、中性と見なされます。


最適な効率(pH バランス)を得るには、身体は 70% のアルカリと 30% の酸のバランスを必要としますが、

これは電解質を適切に摂取することで達成できます(下記 4 を参照)。

4. 電解質:

電解質は、水分補給、筋肉の収縮、pH バランス、神経シグナル伝達などの重要な身体機能を実行するミネラル


電解質は最適な pH を回復し、アルカリ性食品を食べるか、植物源からの実証済みの有機サプリメントを摂取


注: 岩石由来のミネラルは容易に吸収されず、多くの場合酸を形成します(たとえば、食塩 NaCl は塩化物と結合



5. 最適な食事:

最適な pH を維持するには、食事の 70~80% をアルカリ性にする必要があります。



a. 新鮮な果物と野菜 70%

b. 赤身のタンパク質と穀物 30%

c. 1 日あたり 3 リットルの高アルカリ水 (pH 8.5 以上)

注: オーガニックと表示されていない食品の 75% にも、遺伝子組み換え原料が含まれています。


6. 腸:


酸性になると、臨界点に達しています。酸性のままだと、潰瘍や結石 (胆、膀胱、腎臓) の形成につながる


7. 腸:



8. 酵素:

腸内酵素 (善玉菌) は pH 7.0 以上の場合にのみ最適に機能します


9. 内部環境

内部環境 (腸) を変えると、その環境に生息する生物も変化します (良くも悪くも)。たとえば、



10. 細菌:


善玉菌は健康に有益で (特に消化器系)、腐敗と排泄のプロセスに役立ちます。

悪玉菌 - 寄生虫、カビ、胞子、ウイルスは有益ではなく、多くの病気の原因となります。

11. アレルギー/喘息:


12. 寄生虫:



腸からの排泄物の 60% は寄生虫に侵されています。

13. 寄生虫はどこから来るのですか


a. 肉

     i. 肥料を散布した土壌から採取されたもの (豚やその他の糞便で汚染されたものは寄生虫に感染する可能性が高い)

     ii. 不十分に/十分に調理されていない

b. 野菜

化学薬品を散布した土壌で育ったもの (非有機)

c. 魚

i 養殖魚 (新鮮な海水魚とは対照的) は汚染された魚の餌を与えられている可能性がある

ii 魚を室温で 2 時間以上放置すると、細菌が急速に増殖する

d. 水


14. 虫:


a. 扁形動物 – サナダムシと吸虫

b.回虫 – 蟯虫、鉤虫、鞭虫




15. 早死:


a. 酸性食品(特にジャンクフード)

b. 加熱しすぎた、または加熱が不十分な食品

c. 適切に消化されていないタンパク質

d. 食べ過ぎ

16. 「魚の針」腹:







17. タンパク質合成:





















18. 生化学的個別性

生化学的個別性は多くの要因に依存します。推奨される 1 日の摂取量 (RDA) はありますが、ビタミン、



これが、ある人が他の人よりも 5 倍のビタミン C を必要とする可能性がある理由です。

引用: この概要は、リチャード アンダーソン著「汝自身を浄化し、清めよ」の重要なポイントの一部を簡潔に



Health Tips


                                                                                        Prime datum

                                   The body is alkaline by nature and acid by function.

                                             Almost every function creates acid.


1.       Free radicals:

Free radicals are necessary for optimum function but when they overwhelm the body’s ability to regulate them,

a condition known as oxidative stress ensues.

When this happens the free radicals build up in cells and damage other molecules such as DNA, lipids (fats) and

proteins and may result in causing illness which become critical if they get seriously out of control.

A balance between free radicals and antioxidants is therefore necessary for proper physiological function.

a.       When acids accumulate, free radicals escalate.

b.       High protein foods (red meat, fish, fowl, and processed foods e.g. white sugar and flour) create acid.

c.       Calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium (electrolytes) are taken from bones and organs to neutralize acid

          = mineral deficiency. Taken to extremes this can result in degenerative disease.


2.         Lifestyle choices.

Lifestyle plays an important role in your health and wellbeing.

Smoking, over-eating, inactivity (lack of exercise), high salt and alcohol intake may lead to hypertension (high blood pressure) and inflammation (the first indicator of an unhealthy condition).

 If lifestyle and diet are not improved, more serious conditions such as diabetes, cancers, Alzheimer, Parkinsons,

multiple sclerosis and the like may also develop.

3.       pH:

pH means : the potential for hydrogen.This is measured by a scale from 0 – 14.

Below 7 is more acidic and above is more alkaline.

Pure water (pH 7) represents the balance point between acid and alkali and is thus considered as neutral.

As stated in the heading above, the body is alkaline by nature.

For optimum efficiency it (pH balance) the body equires a balance of 70% alkali and 30% acid which can be

achieved by correct consumption of electrolyte (see 4 below).

4.       Electrolytes:

Electrolytes are minerals (sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorous, chloride and bicarbonate) that

carry out vital bodily functions such as hydration, muscle contraction, pH balance and nerve signaling.

Electrolytes restore optimum pH and can be replenished by eating alkaline foods or taking a proven organic

supplement from a vegetable source.

Note: Rock sourced minerals are not easily assimilated and are often acid forming (e.g. table salt NaCl is bound by

chloride making it acidic).

5.       Optimum diet :

To maintain optimum pH, 70-80% of your diet should be alkaline.

A diet rich in fruit, vegetables and fibre creates higher alkalinity.

The percentage of alkaline foods to acidic foods should be as follows:  

a.       fresh fruit and veg                70%

b.       lean protein and grains       30%

c.       + 3 litres water / day of high alkaline water (8.5 pH and above).

Note: As many as 75% of foods not labeled organic contain GMO genetically modified ingredients.

Wherever possible consume organically grown product.

6.       The Gut:

The bowel should be alkaline.

When it becomes acidic, a critical point has been reached. If it remains acidic it may result in ulcers the formation

of stones, (gall, bladder and kidney).

7.       Bowel:

When the bowel is dirty, the blood is dirty.

The bowel has to be cared for first, before any effective healing can take place.

8.       Enzymes:

Intestinal enzymes (good bacteria) can only function optimally above pH 7.0 

9.       Inner environment

If you change the inner environment (gut) you will change the organisms that live in that environment

(for better or worse). For example eating junk food will undoubtedly change the the microbiome for the worse).

By reverse, eating whole foods and vegetables and balancing deficiencies or excesses with supplements will create optimum conditions.

10.     Bacteria:

Bacteria are micro-organisms that cause chemical changes.  They are widely distributed in soil, water, air and on

the tissues of plants and animals.

Good bacteria are beneficial to health (especially in the digestive system), where they assist the process of decay and elimination.

Bad bacteria - parasites, mould, spores and virus are not beneficial and are the cause of many diseases.

11.     Allergies / asthma:

Toxemia of the gastro-intestinal tract is the underlying cause of asthma, allergies, and eczema.

12.     Parasites:

Parasites live off their host. They are attracted to filth.

As the final receptacle of elimination (excretion) the bowel is the most toxic environment in the body, the perfect

breeding ground for parasites.

60% of excretion from the bowel is parasite infested.

13.     Where do parasites come from

The primary sources are:

a.       Meat

          i.        procured from fertilized soil (anything contaminated by pig or other dung is highly prone to infestation)

          ii.        insufficiently/under-cooked

b.       Vegetables

          Grown in chemically sprayed soil (i.e. non-organic)

c.       Fish     

          i         farmed fish (as opposed to fresh sea fish) which may have been fed with contaminated fish feed

          ii        fish left out at room temperature for more than two hours will cause bacteria to multiply quickly

d.       Water

          Poor sanitation, hygiene or polluted drinking water.

14.     Worms:

Worm parasites come in many forms, the primary ones being:

          a.        flatworms       –  tapeworms and flukes

          b.       roundworms   –  pinworm, hookworm, whipworm

It is often assumed that worms only breed inundeveloped countries, but in fact t hey are common in all

environments iuncluding first world countries..

Over 4 billion people worldwide will be infected at least once by a parasite of some description  during their

lifetime. Parasites (not cancer) are the number one killer in the world.

15.     Premature death:

The primary causes of premature death are:

          a.       acid forming foods, (especially junk food)

          b.       overcooked or under cooked foods

          c.       improperly digested proteins

          d.       eating too much

16.     ‘Fish-hook’ belly:

Over time those parasites that are not eliminated will work their way into the lower parts of the intestinal tract >

small intestine and colon.

The worms will hook themselves into internal deposits of fecal matter in the gut (called mucoid plaque) and stick

to the intestinal walls.

Consequently, the intestinal walls enlarge which expands the belly. The extra weight causes it to fall down (prolapsus) creating the classic fish-hook shape associated with overweight.

This places excess pressure on the bladder (and in men the prostate) and causes digestive problems. If left unattended for an extended period this may ultimately lead to obesity.

17.     Protein synthesis:

When you eat protein it is broken down into amino acids. These acids perform various processes such as muscle

building and regulating the immune system.

The body needs a total of 20 amino acids to function properly, nine of which are classified as essential

(foods which contain all 9 are referred to as complete proteins).

Complete proteins can be obtained from animal products such as meat, seafood, eggs and poultry or plant based products such as soy, quinoa and buckwheat.

Foods need to move freely through the alimentary canal (a process known as peristalsis - a wavelike movement

which propels food down the alimentary canal).

Food first travels to the stomach and pancreas where hydrochloric acid converts protein to peptides (destroying

parasites and harmful bacteria in the process).

If the cells become overburdened with excessive proteins, acids and fats, this causes congestion, inflammation, fermentation and blockage.

The end result is the incomplete breakdown of protein, which  is the cause of poor digestion.

The body compensates for this by drawing protein from muscles which can lead to musculo-skeletal depletion

and even malnutrition symptoms.

Poor digestion leads to greater inability to break down amino acids. 

This is an ever-increasing downward spiral which develops greater difficulty in destroying parasites and even worse digestion.

If the digestive system is working at less than optimum, no matter how much or how nutritious the food is, only a small percentage of the available nutrients are absorbed.

The undigested protein is used as a host from which parasites feed, multiply and travel on further through the

intestinal system.

18.     Biochemical individuality

Biochemical individuality depends on many factors.

Even though there are Recommended Daily Allowances (RDA) we all need different amounts of vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids and trace elements.

Intake of these must also be accompanied by amino acids for them to be able to be absorbed and assimilated by the body.

This is why one person may need five times as much Vitamin C than another.

Citation: This precis is a brief summation of some of the key points in the book "Cleanse and Purify Thyself"- Richard Anderson. Please refer to the book itself for much more detail.

Paragon Health Centre


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